Sound Management of Chemicals (SMC) in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Tool: Target Risk Assessment (TRA)

This tool consists of three separate models for estimating exposures to workers, consumers and the environment that arise during a series of events (‘exposure scenarios‘). The TRA Tool has had a major beneficial impact on REACH (Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) since there was no other way chemical safety assessments (CSAs) could be compiled without it.

SMC Category Hazard identification and risk assessment
Subcategories Hazard identification and chemicals risk assessment, Information and data assessing hazards and risks, Workplace safety assessment
SME Activity Handling, Unloading and loading, Production
Resource Type Downloadable programme
Author European Centre for Ecotoxicology and toxicology of chemicals (ECETOC)
Company type Synthesis of substances, Formulation of chemicals, Industrial users of chemicals

How to use it


1) Data depends on module chosen (worker, consumer, environment). For the worker module:

  • substance-specific data: e.g. (name, CAS number, molecular weight and data on the likelihood to become airborne
  • Indicative reference values (e.g. a DNEL or some other value such as an OEL)
  • processing information: e.g. presence of local ventilation, duration, vapour pressure at process temperature, if respiratory protection is used, etc.


1) Estimation of both inhalation and dermal exposure of workers according to provided data.

Learning time High (>8h)
User expertise Advanced (advanced scientific/engineering degree required/business management experience required)
User-friendliness Easy to use
Advanced tool Yes
Languages English