Sound Management of Chemicals (SMC) in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Methodology: Responsible Care: Management System Technical Specifications

Responsible Care Management System (RCMS) is an integrated health, safety, security
and environmental management system based on the principles of Responsible Care and
the Policy-Plan-Do-Check-Act continual improvement cycle. This documents provides an overview of the management system components: policy & leadership; planning; implementation, operation and accountability; perfromance measurement, corrective and protective action; management review.

SMC Category Hazard identification and risk assessment, Risk prevention and reduction, Emergency preparedness and Response
Subcategories Process safety assessment, Workplace safety assessment, Preparedness to Accidents and Emergencies, Response to accidents, Preventive measures, Protective measures
SME Activity Product development and process design, Handling, Unloading and loading, Input material selection, Pollution control and disposal, Production, Storage, Transportation to and from company
Resource Type Downloadable document
Author American Chemistry Council
Company type Synthesis of substances, Formulation of chemicals
Year 2013

How to use it


not applicable


not applicable

Learning time High (>8h)
User expertise Intermediate (scientific/engineering degree required/business management experience required)
User-friendliness Easy to use
Advanced tool Yes
Languages English