Sound Management of Chemicals (SMC) in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Methodology: Responsible Production: Guidance and Toolkit

Provides a step-by-step guidance on identifying and understanding the hazards and risks related to the company products and operations and on developing a plan to address these and chemical safety issues. The Responsible Production Guidance and Toolkit is primarly intended for SMEs´ managers and safety officers can be but can also be used by local authorities and government officials in their planning and inspection activities.

SMC Category Hazard identification and risk assessment, Risk prevention and reduction, Emergency preparedness and Response
Subcategories Information and data assessing hazards and risks, Process safety assessment, Workplace safety assessment, Preparedness to Accidents and Emergencies, Response to accidents, Preventive measures, Protective measures
SME Activity Product development and process design, Handling, Unloading and loading, Input material selection, Production, Storage, Transportation to and from company
Resource Type Online resource, Downloadable document
Author United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Company type Synthesis of substances, Formulation of chemicals, Industrial users of chemicals
Year 2010

How to use it


1) chemical information: substances involved in the process, including their name and CAS number, the quantities, associated hazards, place of storage, purpose and fate (e.g. are the individial chemicals part of the final product? What about disposal?).
2) process information: process flow chart and relevant stakeholders to engage in your process evaluation


1) Overview of hazards and risks related to the company
products and operations, 
2) Opportunities for reducing risk and costs, 
3) Support for improving safety and preparedness for accidents as well as for communication

Learning time High (>8h)
User expertise Intermediate (scientific/engineering degree required/business management experience required)
User-friendliness Very user friendly
Advanced tool No
Languages English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, French