Sound Management of Chemicals (SMC) in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Tool: Program for Assisting the Replacement of Industrial Solvents (PARIS III)

The PARIS III is a desktop/laptop application that allows users to find mixtures of solvents with specific physical and chemical properties, that also have relatively low environmental impacts. The software helps users find replacements for solvent mixtures that are currently being used in industrial processes, but have dangerous environmental side effects. The software can also be used to find solvents with lower environmental impact when designing new industrial processes, as well as more benign solvents that can be added to harmful solvents favored by industry to help reduce the harmful environmental impact of their processes.

SMC Category Hazard identification and risk assessment, Risk prevention and reduction
Subcategories Hazard identification and chemicals risk assessment, Information and data assessing hazards and risks, Preventive measures
SME Activity Product development and process design, Handling, Input material selection, Production
Resource Type Downloadable programme
Author United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
Company type Synthesis of substances, Formulation of chemicals, Industrial users of chemicals
Year 2014

How to use it


1) Solvent components and their respective concentrations


1) Physio-chemical properties of a specified mixture:

  • molecular mass, molar volume, boiling point,
  • vapor pressure, surface tension, infinite
  • dilution activity coefficients, viscosity,
  • thermal conductivity and flash point.

2) Environmental impact categories:

  • Human Toxicity Potential by Ingestion and Inhalation
  • Terrestrial Toxicity Potential, Aquatic Toxicity Potential
  • Global Warming Potential , Ozone Depletion Potential, Photochemical Oxidation Potential, Acid Rain Potential

3) A list of solvent mixtures with physio-chemical properties similar to the input solvent, but with less environmental impact

Learning time Medium (~4h)
User expertise Intermediate (scientific/engineering degree required/business management experience required)
User-friendliness Very user friendly
Advanced tool Yes
Languages English