Sound Management of Chemicals (SMC) in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Tool: PRIO - A tool for Risk Reduction of Chemicals

The aim of PRIO is to help users in the assessment of health and environmental risks from chemical substances so that people who work as environmental managers, purchasers and product developers can identify the need for risk reduction. In order to achieve this goal, PRIO provides a guide for decision-making that can help in setting risk reduction priorities.
All the substances in the database have been allocated a prioritisation level; phase-out substance or priority risk-reduction substance.

SMC Category Hazard identification and risk assessment, Risk prevention and reduction
Subcategories Hazard identification and chemicals risk assessment, Workplace safety assessment, Preventive measures, Protective measures
SME Activity Product development and process design, Input material selection, Production
Resource Type Online programme
Author KEMI - Swedish Chemicals Agency
Company type Synthesis of substances, Formulation of chemicals, Industrial users of chemicals
Year Continuously updated

How to use it


1) Search by substance: Substance name or CAS number or EC number
2) or search by hazard properites
3) or search by substance group or product type


1) Classification of selected high priority substances as

  • phase-out substances or
  • priority risk-reduction substances

2) General guidelines for managing chemicals safely

Learning time Short (<1h)
User expertise Basic (no scientific/engineering background required/no business management experience required)
User-friendliness Very user friendly
Advanced tool No
Languages Swedish, English